Atomic Structure and 3D Shape of a Multibranched Plasmonic Nanostar from a Single Spatially Resolved Electron Diffraction Map

Nanoparticle shape effects on the SERS properties of small conductive bridges

Indirect Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Sensor for Direct Detection of Gaseous Elemental Mercury

Enhanced Surface Fields Driven by Fano Resonances in Silver Nanocube Dimers for Efficient Hot Electron Generation

Effective Enhancement of Raman Scattering, Fluorescence, and Near-Field Imaging

Unraveling surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy results through chemometrics and machine learning: principles, progress, and trends

Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of one and a few molecules of acid 4-mercaptobenzoic in AgNP enabled by hot spots generated by hydrogen bonding

Structural characterization and plasmonic properties of manganese oxide-coated gold nanorods

Printing parameters affect the electrochemical performance of 3D-printed carbon electrodes obtained by fused deposition modeling

Dynamic Behavior of Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectra for Rhodamine 6G Interacting with Gold Nanorods: Implication for Analyses under Wet versus Dry Conditions

On the use of Au@Ag core-shell nanorods for SERS detection of Thiram diluted solutions

Nanomateriais plasmônicos: Parte I. Fundamentos da espectroscopia de nanopartículas e sua relação com o efeito SERS

Nanomateriais plasmônicos: Parte II. Química de coordenação de superfície e sua aplicação em sensores e catalisadores

Statistical Analysis of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Enhancement Distributions

​Colloidal gold clusters formation and chemometrics for direct SERS determination of bioanalytes in complex media

​Correlating single-molecule sers statistics to plasmonic nanocluster structure and near-field properties

Enhanced performance of 3D printed graphene electrodes after electrochemical pre-treatment: Role of exposed graphene sheets

Intensity Fluctuations in Single-Molecule Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering

Interplay Between Near-Field Properties and Au Nanorod Cluster Structure:
play between Near
Extending Hot Spots for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering

Enhanced reproducibility of planar perovskite solar cells by fullerene doping with silver nanoparticles

Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) as probe of plasmonic near-field resonances

Localized surface plasmon resonance enhanced photocatalysis: an experimental and theoretical mechanistic investigation

Correlating structural dynamics and catalytic activity of AgAu nanoparticles with ultrafast spectroscopy and all-atom molecular dynamics simulations

Molecular Wires Bridging Gaps between Gold Surfaces and Their Influence on SERS Intensities

Evaluation of Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Substrates from Single-Molecule Statistics

Single-Molecule Surface-Enhanced (Resonance) Raman Scattering (SE(R)RS) as a Probe for Metal Colloid Aggregation State

Temporal drift in Raman signal intensity during SERS measurements performed on analytes in liquid solutions

​Fabrication of gold nanoparticle-coated paper and its use as a sensitive substrate for quantitative SERS analysis

Detection of Plasmon Coupling between Silver Nanowires Based on Hyperspectral Darkfield and SERS Imaging and Supported by DDA Theoretical Calculations

Electrochemical Control of Light Transmission through Nanohole Electrode Arrays

Critical assessment of enhancement factor measurements in surface-enhanced Raman scattering on different substrates

Ultrafast Dynamics of Au Nanopyramid Interfaces Prepared by Nanosphere Lithography: Effect of Substrate Chemical Composition
Abstract: This work describes ultrafast spectroscopy studies of Au triangular pyramid particle arrays deposited over glass (termed Au/glass), and 190 nm indium tin oxide (ITO) film (termed Au/ITO/glass) prepared by nanosphere lithography. The linear absorption spectra of Au/glass and Au/ITO/glass exhibit surface plasmon resonances at 800 and 870 nm, respectively, in good agreement with discrete dipole approximation simulations. Ultrafast pump-probe measurements at wavelengths below resonance, at resonance, and above the surface plasmon resonance for each of these two systems are presented. The pump-probe measurements on both systems can be well fit with a model accounting for electron-electron scattering, electron-phonon coupling, and acoustic oscillations on top of cooling of the gold lattice. Numerical simulations employing a two-temperature model are consistent with the single-color pump-probe exponential decays. The wavelength-dependent pump-probe results are interpreted in terms of the complex wavelength-dependent refractive index of gold. We show that this interpretation is consistent with diffractive-optic four-wave mixing spectroscopy measurements of absorptive and dispersive parts of the third-order nonlinear polarization at 800 nm.